It was year 2016 when we started as a Charitable Education Assistance Centre accessible to kids living in slums who do not have the means to attend schools and to help women to providing them job oriented skill courses such as computer Operator, Beautician, Stitching, Tailoring to help them employed/selfemployed.
NGO is registered with ( government of India to work on projects supporting below CSR objectives covered under Schedule VII of Section 135 of Companies Act, 2013
अठारहपुराणो ो मेंव्यासजीकेदवचनसारकेहैं
परपकारकर पुण्यकेलिएहै।
दूसरेकपीडापहुँचाना पापकेलिएहै।
We have started education to some slum kids who were rescued from child labor and motivated to continue their study.
Established two more centers in Rajasthan to
facilitate around 100 child labor rescued form illegal mining
Added Multi Skills vocational centers in
portfolio and started working for abandoned/divorced women to help them survive and improve their life standards
Organized COVID 19 Awareness camps, Provide help with food ration kits, cloths, masks free of costs Volunteering in covid centres. Helped Organizations to make preventive SOPs.
In different cities organised tree plantation events & Hygienic kits distribution camps in basti areas.
Education support to slum/Village labor kids, Surveying to start Gender equality/ Female skill development multiple course centers.
A state of the art skill development center and shelter for slum kids inaugurated in association of Global MNC Clariant
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis